Just Been Made Redundant (or are Currently Unemployed)?
Have you recently been made redundant or are currently unemployed?
...Are you fretting about how you and your family are going to survive, now that you don't have a job?
...Is the thought of losing your spouse, house, car and other assets, giving you sleepless nights?
Well, stop fretting...there's help!!
Hi, I'm Gillian Campbell, Editor and Owner of Market Opportunities Unlimited (MOU) Blog.
The same helpful advice that I give on my blog to empower individuals and companies to capitalize on local/global market opportunities, is the same helpful advice that I extend to you...
If you have been made redundant or are recently unemployed, I will help you to get back on your feet, quickly and become a better money-earner!
I show you how to do this in my e-Article, "Redundant, Now What?"
..."Redundant Now What?" contains Twenty-Three (23)!...Yes, Twenty Three (23) Practical Tips That Enable You to Quickly Bounce Back after Being Made Redundant or after being Suddenly Unemployed!
Tips that you'll only learn in this e-article.
These tips include, how to:
1. Not Panic about Being Made Redundant, or being Suddenly Unemployed
2. Manage Your Money and Your Life, during a Redundancy (or during a period of Unemployment), so that you can Quickly Recover from Joblessness
3. Bargain with your Landlord and other Creditors, so that They Won't Pressure You Unnecessarily, during your period of unemployment
4. Reduce Your Expenses and Debts, so That Your Money Can Stretch Further during this Transitional Stage of Your life!
5. Create a Sustainable Job for Yourself and Get Inside Information re New Jobs...before they Become Publicly Available.
6. ...And So Much More!
Yes friends, you'll access six (6) pages of these Twenty-Three (23) Tips, that will help You Recover Quickly after being Made Redundant or being Suddenly Unemployed!
(You can even preview "Redundant, Now What?", here, before you buy it!!)
So, Stop Fretting about being Made Redundant or being Unemployed...Do Something About it!
...Buy "Redundant, Now What?", to free yourself from unemployment, now!!!!....
It's just US $11.99, when you click HERE.
("Redundant Now What?" is an Amazon Kindle file that can also be downloaded to your Kindle device, PC, Mac or via the Kindle app to your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Blackberry, and Android-based devices.).
Find out more by clicking the "How Buying works" link within the "Buy now with 1-Click" section at the top, right-hand-side of our Amazon Kindle Store page).
"Redundant, Now What?" is Copyright 2006-2012 Gillian Alison Campbell. All Rights Reserved.
Date Published: March 2009
No. of Pages: 6
Please remember to let Gillian know how her e-Article,"Redundant, Now What?", is helping (and has helped) you to recover quickly and painlessly from redundancy!
Copyright 2006-2012 Gillian Campbell. All Rights Reserved.